SOHO Basic Security Checklist

router= router settings, device = computers/smart devices, mob=mobile devices including laptops, tablets, and particularly iPhones, Android phones

router DDWRT
router openVPN
router alternative DNS
router rotate MAC address
router firewall
router attack detection
router disable WPS PIN
router vlan wireless
router vlan config port
router password
router alt. user name if avail
router private network hidden SSID as primary
router private network no WEP
router private network WPA2 AES PSK
router strong guest network password
router guest network WPA2 AES PSK
router guest network device isolation no discovery
router tuning antennae directions and gains
device bios password
device admin password
device non-default admin account name
device user account
device user account password
device firewall
device anti-ransomware
device anti-mailware
device system file protection
device disable remote control
device roam VPN
device alt DNS
device browser hardening
device browser plugins
device local store encryption
device redundant cloud backup with end-to-end encryption
device password manager
device disable
mob account pin
mob OS pin and bio
mob "if found" message on third screen or lock screen graphic and or bootup message
mob medical info plus "if found" message
mob device encryption
mob encrypt SD
mob usage and access locks
mob accounts check
mob administrator accounts check
mob APN pin change
mob apps permissions check
mob notifications permissions check
mob secure startup
mob antimalware
mob alt DNS
mob VPN
mob VPN on at boot
mob VPN always on
mob VPN alternate DNS list
mob VPN region
mob VPN kill-switch 
mob VPN exceptions
mob Torify
mob TorDNS
mob NFC off
mob bluetooth off
mob media server off
mob rename device
mob 2nd line
mob advert track off
mob disable share
mob cloud drive
mob mobile hotspot password quality, SSID, and security type, maximum connections and timeout
mob background data/battery saver settings

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